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OKLAHOMA CITY, OK--Italia Express
Oct. 16, 2012: Italia Express is one of the best places in Oklahoma City for pizza, and it now has three locations (with the newest one in the old Zorba's building at 4621 N. May Ave.). I usually list Flip's and Humble Pie as my favorite pizzas, but Italia Express is not far behind (and it is very reasonably priced as well).

Margharita pizza
Margharita pizza at Italia Express

The margharita pizza is quite good, and is a "build your own pizza" order that is not listed on the menu. Italia Express will do the same for any type of pizza for which they have the ingredients. As I try to get more and more toward healthy eating and away from junk food, there are too many pizzas that I regret ordering because they do not give my body the pick-me-up that I should get from meals. Italia Express is one, though, that I believe is balanced more on the healthy side, and I find that along with a salad makes a good meal. In any case, it is certainly an enjoyable one.


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